Oh to be consistent! Have you ever said that? If only you could have a consistent relationship with God. But, what does that look like? It’s one thing to lament that you don’t have a consistent connection with God. It’s another to know what you are aiming for. Often, this lack of consistency is something that you sense without necessarily being able to say just what is missing. Here are 3 simple things to factor in your consistent relationship with God.
#1 Prayer and a Consistent Relationship with God
Ongoing prayer is very much a part of a consistent relationship with God. Avoid looking at this as a burden or a chore to be completed. Instead, think of it this way: God is a parent who loves you and who you desire to love more and more. Thus, even though you are busy, you find time to simply talk with God. You tell God what’s going on in your life—everything. As a matter of fact, you are eager to let God know what is happening. You know that God is listening to you and God will show you how to make things better. So, you listen.
#2 Letting Others Know
Here’s the thing. When there is someone special in your life, you let others know. You are excited to share with them how wonderful this person is. When you are consistent in your relationship with God you will know God more and more. The more you know God is the more you grasp just how wonderful God is. You are now excited to let others know just how marvelous God is. This will be so especially when you see others going through various situations where you know just how much God could help them; how God would make a positive difference in their lives.
#Confidence from a Consistent Relationship with God
When your relationship with God is consistent you will be confident. You will be confident because you know who God is. In addition, your relationship with God is based on God’s love, grace, and freedom. Thus, the burden is not on you to initiate this relationship or to make it work. You just need to show up, talk with God, read the Bible, and rest in who God is. Your confidence therefore, is in God. Thus, you can just be yourself as God is shaping you. Accordingly, you face the world with confidence. Even when things pile up on you at work and/or home and/or church and/or elsewhere, you anchor down in God and keep going with courage and determination.
A consistent relationship with God is not something to stress about. Rather, it is filled with hope and joy as you communicate with God increasingly, letting others know about this wonderful God. You’re living life with confidence. Why not move into a consistent relationship with God and celebrate it?
Get closer to God and gain a deeper understanding of who God is.
Photo credit: skeeze /of Pixabay.com