Let it be about you and God
Have you ever felt that there had to be more to life? Do you ever wonder what it would be like to get closer to God and live freely with confidence in the midst of a hectic life? What if you were free to love God, others, and you? Do you want to get closer to God?
What if I told you that not only is this what God intends for you, but it is possible in this life.
SurrenderInPrayer is about you and your desire and quest, to get closer to God and gain a deeper understanding of who God is in the midst of the triumphs and challenges of life so that you live with confidence. SurrenderInPrayer has been birthed out of experience.
The Prayers Behind SurrenderInPrayer
Hi. My name is Claire Smith, spiritual mentor and prayer coach. I’m an ordained minister and have started and led prayer groups in different countries. However, I faced challenges in remaining consistent in my intentional private prayer life and having that sense of being close to God. Maybe you can relate.
A few years ago, my mother died unexpectedly. It was a devastating blow. This was followed by the death of another relative shortly after. Then I relocated for postgraduate studies. It was a lot to deal with in less than a year.
I learned to laugh and smile and hurt; hurt for what had been and what could have been in the midst of the unfamiliar. I wore the two faces. The public face of happiness and contentment alongside the private face of pain. The private face of pain demands a large space when it’s out of its own familiarity. Yet, both faces were real. Both needed expression. One needed healing. Where could I turn? There were caring people around but, while appreciating their care I was now getting to know them. Where could I go?
I tried once again to have a consistent prayer time. This time around it stuck and is still sustained. What made the difference?
I started getting real honest with God. In addition, I began writing my prayers with total honesty. Sometimes I’d write and then pray them aloud. At other times, I would simply write. There were times when I did not write but the honest prayers that began on the pages of the notebook continued.
Out of this came a fuller experience of God, a sense of closeness with God, and greater confidence my life. I share some of these prayers with you on each offering that you will find on SurrenderInPrayer. You can find out more about me here.
I now invite you to journey with me to a place you can call home for your heart. You can start by exploring our resources for prayer or by getting our free prayer guide here.
What we believe
We believe that God, being Supreme, is able to do anything and works wondrously and miraculously in our lives as we cry out to God in prayer.
We believe, therefore, in the miracle-working power of God but this site is not about miracles.
This site is about surrender.
We believe that as we connect with God in whole-hearted, surrendered prayers, we grow into maturity and leave the childish “gimme” attitude behind for deep appreciation and communion in which our head, body, and spirit are united. Thus, God becomes more than a Santa Claus, or magician, or a puppet whose strings we pull. We get closer to God and God becomes “Presence.” We gain a deeper understanding of who God is and live confidently in the world.
You see, when you learn to come to God through Jesus Christ with your whole heart you will get closer to God and live with confidence!.
This is the SurrenderInPrayer story. This is the SurrenderInPrayer journey. You can be a part of it.
Simply click here to get your free “3 Steps to Get Closer to God.” You’ll also receive regular prayers, reflections and other important updates. These are all tailored to support you in your quest to get closer to God and gain a deeper understanding of who God is.
Click here to explore Dr Smith’s books on prayer.
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