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With What Do You Actually Flavor Your Thanksgiving?

With What Do You Actually Flavor Your Thanksgiving
Have you flavored your thanksgiving?

It is that time of the year, isn’t it? If you’re in the US, you’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving Day this coming Thursday. If you’re in Canada, you’ve recently celebrated it. In some other parts of the world, it’s the Harvest Season with services of grateful praise. Here’s the question though: With what do you actually flavor your thanksgiving?

You see, you will flavor your thanksgiving with different things. For some, family is the predominant flavor. They’re really thankful for their family and especially at this time, they’re thankful to be able to get together with those who are near and dear for Thanksgiving dinner. For others, the predominant flavor is gratitude to the giver. Even when the gift is not what they expected, they appreciate that someone remembered them. In this regard, some are particularly thankful to God.

Yes. When we think of giving thanks, God and family come readily to mind. However, know that there are other elements and types of elements with which you can flavor your thanksgiving. Here are three:

Flavor your thanksgiving with mindfulness

Have you ever done an off-hand, off-the-cuff thank you? Here’s an invitation to do more than that and flavor your thanksgiving with mindfulness.

The next time you thank someone, be aware of what you’re thanking them for. Let your gratitude come from your heart. In addition, be attentive to the small as well as big things that people do for you. Pay attention to the unexpected and inexplicable acts of kindness that you receive. Celebrate the many positives in your life. In the midst of this mindfulness, give thanks sincerely.

Flavor your thanksgiving with resolve

Stuff happens. That’s just life. It’s easy to be overcome and overwhelmed by the “stuff.” However, when you flavor your thanksgiving with resolve you are better able to deal with and move past the stuff.

To flavor your thanksgiving with resolve is to be determined that you will give thanks in any and all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). In doing this, you choose to shift your focus and energy from “the stuff” to what is good. You also choose to shift your energy and focus to the God whom you can trust to guide you to sound solutions and level ground.

Flavor your thanksgiving with the absence of fear

There are two things to watch out for to ensure that you flavor your thanksgiving with the absence of fear. These can rob you of the gift of true thankfulness.

One is holding back on giving effusive thanks. You do this out of a conscious or subconscious expectation that the good will not last. You feel that it’s only a matter of time before the other shoe drops. The other thing to watch out for is allowing fear that there is a hidden motive behind an act of kindness to keep you from being thankful. Savor the good when it comes. Live with wisdom. Flavor your thanksgiving with the absence of fear.

When you look around, there is a lot for which to be thankful. Go ahead and give thanks mindfully. Go ahead and give thanks without fear. Go ahead and let go of fear. Flavor your thanksgiving and express whole-hearted gratitude.

Experience God more fully through honest, surrendered heart praying and live with greater clarity and peace.

Photo credit: johnhain of

With What Do You Actually Flavor Your Thanksgiving?
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