I watched her struggle, camera in hand. She was poised, waiting for that perfect shot. Then she was faced with a choice. Get the shot or let go of the camera and be touched by the man who was passing by. How best to be truly in the moment—capture it and live it later or live it now? The man who was passing by was the Pope, so the struggle was brief. She put her camera down and leaned forward to receive her blessing.
It’s not always easy to know how best to be in the moment. Increasingly, you’re programed to capture and share. While this allows others to share in your life in the moment in unprecedented ways, it can rob you. That click and share sometimes means that you don’t fully process and savor what is unfolding before your eyes. Even more than that, you may fail to pause and pray.
Lost or Praying In the Moment?
Sometimes life seems haphazard. You’re not sure why you are in a particular place at a particular time. Pray. Find God’s meaning in the moment.
There are times when everything seems chaotic around you. Pray in the moment and get God’s direction.
The next time you see someone who seems to have lost all sense of normalcy based on their appearance, don’t snap and share it. Don’t mock them. Pray for that person right there and then, in the moment.
Yes. There are many ways of participating as you go through life. Prayer is one of them. However, praying in the moment requires attentiveness to what is going on around you. I know only too well how easy it is to express shock and or get lost in the moment, yet fail to pray.
In addition, therefore, praying in the moment requires the discipline to remember to pray. You have to do this until it becomes second nature.
The Discipline of the Moment
There’s a funny thing about the mind. It’s not that easy to discipline. Have you every noticed how many thoughts can rush through your mind in a moment? Or, how your thoughts will stray from what’s at hand? Sometimes what’s in front of you triggers a conscious or subconscious memory that takes you on a far journey in your mind.
Thus, with the best intentions to pray in the moment, disciplining the mind is necessary. Bring the thoughts back, offer them to God, even the chaotic ones, and the journey down memory lane. As you do this, offer the moment to God—the moment itself, the questions about the moment, the people in it, and the chaos.
Yes. being in the moment requires awareness and intentional discipline. It also requires something else.
You Are . . .
How do you see yourself? Why does God have you here?
If you are simply a spectator, this whole matter of awareness and discipline will not be important. However, if you understand yourself as someone sent by God to make a difference, you will embrace these and seek to be aware and disciplined in the moment. You will understand that through action and prayer, prayer and action you will make a difference in God’s world.
Capturing moments is important. Yet, sometimes instead of capturing the moment we need simply be in the moment, and with awareness and discipline, pray and be the difference. How good are you at praying in the moment?
Removing your boundaries to a full and free life in this world through honest, whole-hearted praying.
Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures / pixabay.com