Joey panicked. All of sudden it was dark all around her and she didn’t know where she was. The truth is, the darkness had been falling but she had been distracted by the antics of a group of comedians. Now, they were gone. It was dark and she was stuck. Suddenly, she saw a light coming towards her. It was Susie. Joey breathe a sign of relief. “How did you know,” she asked Suzie. “I try to prepare to be a blessing in one way or another,” responded Susie. I do that by being prepared for all kinds of different situations.
“I got caught in the dark once. I got through with the 23rd Psalm. Since then, I still call on the Word of God but I also keep a flashlight.” The only thing Joey knew was that Suzie had become her island of calm in the midst of her panicked state.
How do you prepare to be a blessing? Here are a key way in three parts.
Prepare to Be a Blessing in 3 Keys
Different people react to situations in different ways. How do you react? Oftentimes, how you react has to do with preparation—physical and spiritual. This in turn affects your mental and emotional state.
The darkness will come. Often it comes so slowly that you don’t realize it is falling until it is too late. That’s when people react with panic. You don’t have to. Prepare now to be that island of calm. Prepare to be a blessing. How?
- Be a person of prayer. Spend time with God each day offering honest, surrendered, heart praying. Pray for wisdom and guidance. Spend time listening so that you are familiar with God’s voice.
- Be a person of the Word. Diligently study the Word of God and listen to what God is saying to you through God’s Word and live in accordance with it.
- Be a person of practical preparation. Always have extras of everything for yourself and family to last a few days/weeks/months according to your resources. Then, go beyond so that you have enough to share with others.
Ready to Be a Blessing
When you have prepared in these ways, you will be an island of calm for you will be strong within and without. You will know what to do. Now, you can help others to be calm as you provide guidance, share what you have materially as well as the hope you have in Christ.
Next week we’ll conclude this month’s series on different types of preparation, in keeping with National Preparedness Month. You will find the other posts on preparedness here. Remember what Jesus said:
But understand this: if the owner of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into.Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour (Matthew 24:43–44).
Get Closer to God and Live with Greater Confidence and Peace
Photo credit: cloudhoreca of