Easter Sunday should be a joyous occasion. Don’t you agree? It’s the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I have these memories from my growing up days of the church being fuller and the singing more lusty than on other occasions. The lusty singing was because everyone seemed to come with extra energy on Easter Sunday and give God their best. With all that they knew, they could see past the empty tomb and for that day at least, celebrate God’s mighty work. That’s how resurrection prayers should be—seeing past what’s empty to the new life God brings. However, not just on one day but as a lifestyle, or perhaps, a “prayerstyle.”
There’s an empty tomb
You see, it’s easy to give in to fear stop at the empty tomb. That’s what happened initially, on Easter Sunday. The stone was rolled away and there was fear. Then the angel spoke. The tomb in fact, was not empty. God’s messenger was waiting with good news; good news that brought to their minds what Jesus had said. It was a case of needing eyes to see and ears to hear to receive the joyous tidings.
Then there was the person who seemed to be the gardener. Again, eyes to see and ears to hear, for as Mary found out, it was not the gardener but the risen Lord himself.
Yes. It’s easy to stop before the empty tomb. That’s the place of uncertainty, fear, and loss. Too often, you can pray at the entrance of the empty tomb when:
- You don’t see a clear path to the future.
- God’s promises seem delayed.
- You face loss and/or tragic circumstances.
- There is a void in your life.
You can fill out the list, I’m sure.
Resurrection prayers
Yet, God’s messenger awaits us to tell us the good news. The risen Lord is standing there waiting for us to turn, and listen, and see, and know that indeed, Christ is risen.
To pray at the empty tomb is to pray out of a sense of defeat, hopelessness, and desperation expecting nothing or less than we have, than where we are. You lose big time.
To pray resurrection prayers is to pray with confidence because you have received God’s message, you have seen the risen Christ and you go forth rejoicing because you know that regardless of your circumstances God is, Jesus is alive, and the victory has already been won. You have heard God’s message for you in your particular situation as you have attended during prayer. Like the apostle, you know in whom you have believe and are persuaded of God’s ability, and so you rejoice.
What is your situation? How are you seeing and hearing? Which of God’s promises do you need to recall? How are you rejoicing? It’s time for resurrection prayers.