When you call me and come and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you search for me, yes, search for [God] with all your heart, you will find me (Jeremiah 29:12–13 CEB).
Here is a wonderful promise from God. However, there is a question that goes along with it: How willing are you to search for God with all your heart?
Sure, you pray. However, how much of your praying is a list of things that you need God to do for you and how much of it is a genuine seeking after God?
Can you say that you want to know God and just have a hunger to know God more? Or, are you just content to know God enough to go to God with an open hand?
This is important. We live in unpredictable times. Yet, we have the privilege of calling on, praying to God. And, this God is willing to be found, to be known by us. Isn’t that a praise?
Unfortunately, we do not avail ourselves of this wonderful privilege enough. God remains a reference, someone we need to be there for us without any depth on our part.
If you’re on that train, step off of it. It’s time to search for God with all your heart.
Search for God with all Your Heart
Dear God,
forgive us for treating you
as a reference point,
a Santa Claus,
even a nice, moral, person.
You are so much more, for
you are God.
Yet, we can find you.
We can know you.
Still, we turn away
from the depth of knowing you.
We keep you at a distance.
We can describe the lives
of our favorite stars,
our favorite shows.
We know what’s on sale
and the cost of our valued items.
And you,
what do we know about you?
Is our knowledge of you growing?
Forgive us,
we ask.
May we search for you
with everything we have;
search for you with all our heart.
Thank you that
when we do so,
we will find you.