Get Closer to God and You Will Stand in the Storm

SurrenderInPrayer |Get Closer to God | Heart Prayers

Get Closer to God | Gain a Deeper Understanding of Who God Is | prayer | prayers | prayer life | Christian prayer | experience God more | heart prayer | surrendering prayer

resurrection praying

Who Else Wants to Pray With Glorious, Unspeakable Joy?

All hell is breaking loose around you but you have joy; glorious, unspeakable joy. Who else wants that? You’ve been beaten up really badly. You’re in a little dump of a cell with no daylight. Your feet are in heavy stocks, but you’re praying and singing. Who else wants to pray with that kind of[…]

How Are You Praying With Resurrection Hope?

“Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” This statement that is greeting, affirmation, and statement of resurrection hope has come down to us throughout the ages. Indeed Christ is risen. Many of us sang this just last Sunday. We read the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection and were reminded of what God has done for us[…]

Are You Losing Big Time By Not Praying Resurrection Prayers?

Easter Sunday should be a joyous occasion. Don’t you agree? It’s the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I have these memories from my growing up days of the church being fuller and the singing more lusty than on other occasions. The lusty singing was because everyone seemed to come with extra energy on[…]

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