What’s more wishy washy than saying you’re going to start a new daily habit without thinking it through? At this time of the year, it’s easy to get sucked in when everyone is talking about doing new things, starting new daily habits. It’s easy to think that you should start something new. The question is, “do you need to do so?”
It’s quite possible that you need a new daily habit. After all, we all have areas in our lives that can be improved with greater structure. You may have one, or more than one. The advantage of a daily rhythm is that you increase the likelihood of getting maximum benefit. It may be exercising everyday, or eating healthily every day, or as simple as taking your vitamins. Yes. There are some things where your results will be negligible unless you do them daily .
Setting yourself up For success in your new daily habit
Yet, the question remains, do you acquire new daily habits simply because you can or do you prayerfully put your life under God’s spotlight. That way, God can reveal to you areas of your life that need changing and that need the requisite daily habits to bring about and sustain the changes. Still, you need to consider what the change entails and how you will sustain your new daily habits. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to maximize your chances of succhess:
- Is this a major shift for me or is it going to be an easy change?
- What resources will I need to make this new daily habit viable?
- What will I do to remind myself to do this every day? Will I set a reminder, or,
- Do I need an accountability partner, who will check in with me to ensure I’m on track?
- What milestones will I build in so that I can have celebrations along the way, or places to help me get back on track if I slip off? Will these be monthly, quarterly?
As mentioned early, be prayerful about this. Don’t acquire a habit simply because everyone else is. It may not be right for you. Or, it may be right for you but this is not the time for it. However, there is one daily habit that is right for everyone. Yes. Prayer time.
Prayer Time As a Priority Daily Habit
Yet, prayer time is one of those daily habits that’s easily “thrown under the bus.” It’s not that you plan to. It’s not that you want to. It just happens. If you are consistent, praise God. If you’re not, don’t be discouraged. Many of us can attest that if you keep faithful and prayerful, engaging your heart, developing strategies rather than just wishing, you will be victorious in your prayer life.
At SurrenderInPrayer, we’re committed to you being victorious with the daily habit of prayer. That’s why we have various resources. That’s why we’ll be launching Daily SIPpers shortly. You see, those who come to God with honest, surrendered, heart praying will experience God more fully and live with greater clarity and peace.
Consider well which daily habits you will acquire and prioritize prayer above all others.
Experience God more fully through honest, surrendered heart praying and live with greater clarity and peace.
Image courtesy of [Kittikun Atsawintarangkul at FreeDigitalPhotos.net